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PAGES SSC/EXCOM meeting 2023

Bern, Switzerland
Contact person
Marie-France Loutre
E-Mail address

PAGES activities are overseen by an international Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), with self nominations from members of the paleoscience community approved by Future Earth. This is their annual meeting.

In general, it is a closed meeting for SSC members and a few invited guests; however, anyone with a particular interest in attending parts of the meeting that could be open to the community should contact Marie-France Loutre.

In addition, the Executive Committee (EXCOM) (a subset of five SSC members) will also hold a short meeting during this period to decide on the approval of new working groups and workshop financial support, among other items.

The SSC meeting will include a one-day symposium open to all paleoscience community members at the University of Bern in Switzerland on 1 June 2023.

On 2 June there is the option to attend an excursion to Grindelwald.